Teaching my daughter to be kind

Rakesh Kalra
Dec 16, 2021


My daughter was shouting at our house-help that she didn’t cook her favorite dish. And I tried to teach her to be kind to everyone and not misbehave no matter whom.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

While I was teaching her good behavior, her grandmother interfered and started saying that my daughter is asking for her favorite dish for the last 2 days.

I got so annoyed at my mother (grandmother) and told her clearly in loud voice, not to interfere when I am teaching my daughter to be kind. If she will not learn it now, she will never learn.

My mother just went to her room silently.

P.S: This is a sarcastic post



Rakesh Kalra

Visual Thinker | I create visuals about: Health, Happiness, Life, Productivity, Success and Failure